Category Archives: happy life

The Universally Ordinary Existence

As my wife and I bought a house, or rather a spot of earth and a promise to build our house, I could not help thinking how ordinary our life is.  We have children who have gone through so much, but still much of their childhood is the same as every other kids.  We may not do everything on the same time line as other families, but I believe we have as much joy and love.  In the end, when I think about what my wife and I do for our children, I think maybe that is what it’s all about, giving them a chance for a life of chances to learn, feel and fail like everyone else.

With all the trials of healthcare our family deals, most of living is still dealing with the mundane.  Taxes are done, the house is chosen, and we can continue the everyday task of learning a little more than we knew yesterday.  The chess peaces are in place, and now we can continue to learn the beautiful game of chess as I try to teach my kids the way my grandpa taught me.  It is just like life.  We start by learning how the little things work, learning the strength of the pawns.  There is plenty of time to learn the importance of moving the less ordinary peaces so they can take advantage of opportunity and protect all the smaller parts of our lives.

Backyard Swings 2014
Backyard Swings 2014

Our kids have the same fears of moving so many other kids have.  It will mean a new school and some new neighbors.  It will mean leaving the backyard they love with a swing set they have played on for hours at a time.  Fears and anxieties of moving abound, and unfortunately they will remain until after our move, hopefully in September.  I hope that they will realize many of their pawns are the same pawns, and the new ones move just like the old.

K seems to have taken the whole moving idea to heart.  She is even into rearranging doctor's offices while she waits.
K seems to have taken the whole moving idea to heart. She is even into rearranging doctor’s offices while she waits.

Some days and weeks are just ordinary from the anxiety of doing the taxes to the frustrations of trying to get children to sleep through the night.  I am told there are children who sleep, and it is the midnight wakeful moments that are the exceptions for them.  Still, as we struggle through deprived weeks, I tell myself each bleary-eyed morning, “There are millions of families who wish they got your sleep or could stop their morning for a second coffee to keep them alert.  This tired feeling is normal, even down right ‘ordinary.’“  So what if coffee and soda are more than mere pawns in my defense? 

Some times, I have to remind myself, the strongest part of the family life is not built upon dealing with the extraordinary.  Life is made up of the everyday doings from walking the dogs to reading with our kids.  Every now and then, somebody asks me, “Isn’t it hard to take care of medically fragile children?”  When they do, I tell the truth.  The hardest parts of raising our kids have nothing to do with their medical issues.  The hardest parts are the same for every parent to whom I have talked.   Much like in chess a good defense is made mostly from the pawns, the good family life seems to be made with the every day deeds, overcoming the every day, ordinary challenges…like learning how to change a diaper.

Every kid needs to feel like those whom they are close to go through the same things they do.  What is more ordinary than a kid trying to take care of their friends for whom they are responsible?
Every kid needs to feel like those whom they are close to go through the same things they do. What is more ordinary than a kid trying to take care of their friends for whom they are responsible?

Her Inspiration, Our Perspiration

Hands to Work, Hearts to God - A Shaker saying
Hands to Work, Hearts to God – A Shaker saying

It remains astonishing to me how memories from years ago continue to shape my perspective.  A decade ago, I went to visit Shaker Village in KY.  I was struck by how ahead of their time they were on many issues like racial and gender equality.  However, what has stayed with me was the motto “Hands to Work, Hearts to God.”

I thought about this last week when my wife suggested we take turns and shovel the sidewalk to the school.  There is about four tenths of a mile of sidewalk along a four-lane road many of the children at the elementary school walk.  It had not been shoveled on Tuesday when kids went back to school, and after falling a couple of times, A joined the throng of children walking in the road.  My wife and crew joined, but noticed how poorly unsupervised kids walk in one lane and how poorly people drive around the school in their hurry to drop their kids off.  So when I got home, she proposed we shovel the sidewalk in shifts with the other taking care of our kids at home.  As I shoveled, I thought of the Shaker saying. 

I will admit there was a side of me annoyed the school whom we support with our taxes and time along with the community association we support with our dues both passed the buck on shoveling assuming it was the other’s responsibility.  At a certain point, it just needs to be done.  That point was 8:45pm on Tuesday when we finished. 

I will also admit I liked working with my wife.  Her inspiration and our perspiration resulted in a safer path, and I like to think that metaphor fits our family life.  Who knows?  Maybe the memory of parents just making plans to do what needs doing without being asked or paid will stick with my kids.  Maybe they will not think of any one time or incident but rather the pattern.  That would be the ultimate compliment.

On the cool side, A made the local news this week.  We found out when a friend messaged J saying A looked good on the news.  The incident had not made an impression on her, but when we showed her she was thrilled…Of course her excitement was not for being on the news but rather because her “boyfriend” P was on the segment, and she was excited for him.
