Tag Archives: family life

Snow Globes and Turning 45 in 2020

Rainbows are supposed to be God’s way of saying tomorrow will be better, right? After 2020, is there a big enough rainbow?

It’s easy to think 2020 has been a disaster of a year.  I mean it started with forest fires ravaging Australia, and it never seemed to get any better.  In February, I started warning my work we needed a plan for when COVID 19 made it to America.  By March, we heard from my sister-in-law in WA that we needed to be taking more care because when it got to us, it would be bad.  By the end of March, my work offered people as much work from home time as they wanted.  Two weeks later, we were 100% telework.

With the stress of the election three weeks away and turning 45 today, it got me thinking about this year of isolationism from the rest of the world our house has endured.  It is a time I will remember for many things, and not all of them are as bad as I would think for the year.  Here are some of my favorites because I want to be able to look back years from now and remember how we got through the pandemic year 1.

I loved the night we all dressed up in our fine attire to eat as a family because we needed something different and fun to do. 

I love thinking about our little kids in the baby pools in our backyard, even if I am bitter about the reason.  We don’t have a real pool because a dishonest contractor took our money and ran. 

I love all the dinners we ate together on our screened in porch.

Blindfolded twister was a big hit with blindfolds and textured circles.

I loved some of the games we played, like blind twister.  My oldest son is a master of that one as his body control and balance is incredible. 

Then there were all the nights my wife and two youngest kids did feats of strength and balance.

There are times where looking at a book isnt the best way to teach letters. You need a strength and balance test.

I love my two oldest kids going back to school at desks used by their grandfather and great grandmother.  I just imagine them sitting there bored thinking their grandparents must have been bored at that very same desk at one point.  Then I think of them learning the same things because the most important things taught in school haven’t changed in the last hundred years.

O’s computer sitting on his great-grandmother’s desk.
A sitting at a desk made by her grandpa when he was in 6th grade.

I also love my wife and I doing the same daily on-line exercise routines.  She would do them early in the day, and I would do them at night.  Between those, cutting down on my soda’s and not eating out much at all, I dropped 40 lbs. and hit my 4-5-6 goal.  Lilly Sabri and Chloe Ting have been my favorites thus far, but that is just because I am a glutton for punishment. Still, I am moderately proud of meeting my goal, not to bad for a 45 year old man who has had Multiple Sclerosis for the past 15 years.

My favorite memories of the past year have been all of our family walks.  Every day from March through September we walked as a family come sun or rain.  As school starts again, we have not been able to do them every day, and I think I will miss those walks the most.  Just walking around our neighborhood and the surrounding areas, we got to see a fair amount of nature and spend a lot of time together.  Granted, I spend a lot of time on those walks prodding our youngest to keep up and not get distracted, but I enjoy our walks. They calm me.

Every anniversary, I write to me wife, “Stay with me. Walk with me. The best is yet to be. This I believe.”

So, I think it is more than fitting that on my 45th birthday, we would go for a walk at a park my parents used to take me for walks 35 years ago.  I didn’t remember that until my mom told me it was one we used to visit frequently.  I only remembered the racquetball courts and pool.  Still, it is one more thing this year with ties to the past, and ending the night thinking about all those ties seems fitting.  The best of life today is built upon so many past efforts and memories.

One of our many delays on today’s walk was when R deciding to climb rather than walk.

Maybe that is what I will take from this year of 2020.  We have so much to be thankful and enjoy even when we feel like our lives have been turned upside down and shaken like a snow globe.  Maybe we all need to harness our inner snow globe in an effort to enjoy the beautiful sights of our shaken-up world.     

Snow globe of a boy raying for a rainbow or just an end to 2020?

How Did I Get Here?

How did I get here?

When we thought our family was complete, and we could take no more, we were approached about R. We were asked if we could take him because other foster families could not easily take in his halo for his broken neck. However, J looked at him as a challenge we could possibly meet where others shied away.

R was a challenge from the moment he came home. J had to keep tightening the screws in the halo and cleaning where it touched his scalp. This meant mind crumbling screaming twice a day inflicted by poor R. Still he came through it all. He has recovered from the ping pong fractured skull, the broken neck and the various other breaks. Now he is just a freak of nature able to do multiple pull-ups and having fantastic balance.

What do you do while waiting for doctor?  R prefers to make them think about liability insurance for injuries in their office to encourage being seen promptly.
Balance? I got that.

Eventually, the question of adoption came back up. I have said for a long time, “We only know what we can do when we fail. If you never fail, you probably could have done more.” When my wife and I talked about adopting R, I said I don’t want to be 80 looking back on my life , seeing the good we have done, and think, “but we could have done more.” With that said and a year into our life as an official family of six, I have to admit I see failure as a single misstep away, and it scares me. To this point, I think we have done all we could. I look at the tired haggard face in the mirror every night and think the circles and wrinkles well earned.

When I think of the question “how did I get here,” I hope my kids end up coming to the same conclusion I keep arriving at. I got here through the love and support of some amazing people trying to make the most of all we have been given.
