Recent Photos from Jamaica

In January, our family took a trip to the FDR resort in Jamaica. We’ve been there before, and J refers to the trip as the “trip that lets our family stay a family.” At the resort, we have two wonderful nannies to help us with the kids, and the trip represents a week long opportunity for J and I to have wonderful date nights and remember we like spending time together. This year we were extremely lucky. My dad came with us and got to spend time with us and the kids, and then the snow happened back home. While we were playing on the beaches, snow canceled flights back home. As a result we “suffered” through 2 more days of play. Here I sit a month after returning, and already I want to be back in Jamaica. Of course, what I miss most isn’t the sun, the beach or making huge waves as I hit the bottom of big blue (the water slide). I miss the people, and I miss watching my family interact with their friends in a stress free situation. I love how year after year we find people we know from previous trips. How many locations can claim the families you meet as one of the best parts of their resort?

Here are some of the photos I took, but I still need to add the photos from our ipad and label the photos.

2023 sunset 1
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