Category Archives: teaching kids how to think

“One, Two, Many, Lots, and Whole Bunches!” – Life in a Base 100 World

I have always been told we use a base ten numbering system.  I maintain we are a base ten times ten when it comes to absorbing the meaning of numbers.
I have always been told we use a base ten numbering system. I maintain we are a base ten times ten when it comes to absorbing the meaning of numbers.

There seems to be a logical disconnect in our brains when it comes to very large numbers. We have ten fingers and ten toes. We are fine counting to ten. When it comes to counting to 100, we don’t have big problem either. However, I note that I can put myself to sleep counting down from 100 by “1’s” or “2.5’s.” One hundred seems a natural barrier, and because we are a tens based society, ten times our natural barrier is still comprehendible. However, as we go further from hundreds our understanding of scale diminishes. When we start counting in thousands, we may as well go back to the childhood counting, saying “One, two, many, lots, and whole bunches!”

We can intellectually go beyond a thousand, but I note that when we do, we group things so that we are counting the groups again, never going beyond the hundreds. For example, 530,253,063 is said “five hundred thiry million, two hundred fifty-three thousand, and sixty-three.” We have kept our counting to the hundreds of a group. That seems a natural cognitive limit of our intuitive understanding.

I think this inability to think beyond hundreds inhibits some of our intuitive understanding of scale. I see this all the time even amongst those of us dealing with numbers all the time. At my work, a group of us play the lottery when the winnings are big enough for all of us to retire. We call it the “stupid people’s tax” because we all know the expected return for our money is nothing and we pay anyway. The odds of one in hundreds of millions feels like one in hundreds with the millions only understood intellectually.

It is with this in mind that I read much of the news about the Syrian refugees. I see reports where countries take in thousands or even tens of thousands, and it feels impressive for some group to advocate increasing the number of refugees from one thousand to ten thousand. It feels like the group advocating for ten thousand is much more heroic. I submit this thinking is at least partially the result of our inability to comprehend the number of refugees is estimated at 10.8 million. Again, we focused on the wrong parts when thinking about the scale of the crisis. Like the examples above, we thought about the numbers I underlined instead of the description after them. It is very hard to get to 10.8 million (number of refugees) when we are dealing with them a thousand to maybe ten thousand at a time. When I think about the true scale of the problem, it feels like the responses are akin to trying to put out California forest fires with one spoon full of water at a time. Some may bring the teaspoon while others bring a ladle, but how effective are either?

Don’t take this wrong, our minds inability to grasp large numbers has advantages. I take a drug that has a chance to cause severe brain infections and possibly kill me. The published odds I get on that happening to me are changing all the time. My neurologist asks at every visit if I am concerned by the odds and want to switch medications. My most recent numbers were one in seven hundred, and I told him again I will be concerned when my odds worsen to below one in two hundred. Above that, my mind treats the risk like the odds of being struck by lightening or dying in a car crash on the way to work. These things happen all the time, but the odds are not worth worrying about because my mind puts them all in the remote risk category. My minds inability to internalize the risk helps me live my day to day life. I justify my thinking about taking Tysabri by noting my odds are still better than a Cancer patient taking Chemo which has a mortality rate of one in two hundred. I do not think about the large number that is my odds of getting the brain infection. Rather I think about it in comparison to something else.

The comparison method is the only way I think most of us truly attach meaning to large numbers. This is what I am doing when I compare the mortality rate taking Tysbari with the mortality rate of a cancer taking chemo. When we release data on the United States economy, most people care more about the direction of the change in numbers and how fast they are changing rather than how big the actual base number was. Most of us really cannot intuit the GDP reports talking about trillions of dollars.

When it comes to large numbers, we just need to be careful to be mindful of what the large numbers are for which we see differences and the differences in scale between different large numbers. If we can manage these two obstacles, we might avoid some of the common mistakes in our perceptions of the universe in which we live. Maybe then we can stop comparing “many” to “whole lots.”


Who Sees Clearly?

What you may see depends on which side of the window you stand.
What you may see depends on which side of the window you stand.

I wonder who sees most clearly, the one looking out through the partially drawn curtains or the one who looks in from outside? Both may think they see enough to ascertain what lies on the other side of the window pane. However, light may hide what is less well lit on the other side, and the curtains themselves may act as blinders potentially focusing our attention on but a part of the reality on the other side of the window pane.

I think about this as we struggle to get A up every morning. I guess I am thankful she is finally sleeping again, but getting through the morning routine of bathroom, medicine, food and teeth brushing is becoming an ever more arduous and time consuming endeavor. Do we wake earlier or put to bed earlier? Are the medicines to blame? Is this a normal reaction to a stressed body and mind?

Clearly there is something happening on the other side of the pane leading to what seems like ever increasing levels of frustration and pain. What is one to do when your child implicitly expects you to provide the framework for them to understand and overcome such trivialities in life as getting up to face the day?

Perhaps the totality of experience is too great to be viewed through any window as neither side of the window is gifted with a complete picture. Imagine two kids looking through the from opposite sides of the window in the darkened bedroom. The kid looking out may see a child running and screaming. Are they scared or happy? Should we call for help? Oh no! To the child running outside chasing a ball too low to be seen by the person inside, there is no need to stop and ring the bell because the room is dark with no sign of anyone with whom to play. Both perspectives miss, and an opportunity is lost.

While I may read about slow motility and pulmonary atresia, I can no more more understand the breadth of experiencing them than I can explain the sound of wind blowing through the trees full of leaves to a blind man who has never heard a sound. Most of the time, I feel trapped with a sense of what is going on which feels no more complete than either of the two kids on opposite sides of the window.

See what happens when I hang curtains? I pretend to be a kid once more to try a perspective I worry about losing.
