Category Archives: race

White Privilege and Adoption

A had to have the little white dog at a girl scout gift exchange, to the point of tears when it looked like she might not get it.  She loves it so much because it is the cutest stuffed dog ever!
A had to have the little white dog at a girl scout gift exchange, to the point of tears when it looked like she might not get it. She loves it so much because it is the cutest stuffed dog ever!

Last week, a Supreme Court Justice used an argument to abolish racial preferences in admittance standards for colleges. He espoused the mismatch theory that students are selected for the college based on their scores, and the scores seem to accurately predict who will do well in the school. Therefore, it does a minority student no favor to admit them into a program the tests say they are more likely to fail. The view he puts forth ignores the minority kids who are not selected despite even test scores and similar experiences which is still common place. Freakonomics had a chapter on how names associated with minorities lowered the chances of landing an interview where they sent out identical resumes changing only the names. We still have racial bias in our society.

For a long time, I believed in a racially blind society as an ideal towards which we should be working. I’m not in favor of giving a preference to anyone based on the color of their skin. I can look at my children and say honestly that I love them equally, and their race has no impact on my love or feelings towards them. Still, I can not say I am comfortable that my black daughter only picks white dolls because they are the pretty ones. When my wife and I talked about it, she pointed out my blindness to race is a “white privilege.”

When I thought of the term before, I always thought about it from the stance of I expect everything to go fine when I am pulled over by a cop. That I have received numerous warnings and no tickets is nothing but a funny bit of anecdotal evidence of my “white privilege.” I do not have a non-white friend with even remotely similar experience.

When I think about it with relation to my family, I am coming to realize simply being blind to the impact of race is not enough. For if we turn a blind eye to its impact, we ignore all of the impact of others both presently and in the past who did not. It is not enough to simply pretend it has no bearing on our choices because it probably does whether it is out right racism or a built in bias to surround ourselves with people like us in looks, speech or thought. If we are blind to the impact of hundreds of years, why would we not choose the people with the most advantageous resume on paper, even if the tests for most advantageous were designed to pick the most successful people from my culture? Would this be different from inviting a new player to join a game of monopoly when everyone else has been around the board three times? Even if the rules going forward are the same for everyone, how lucky must the newest player be to win?

So I now cringe when I see the calls for a racially blind society because it is a goal I want. I still want it. However, I am not sure it is a straight line path from where we are in history to that ideal. I see no universally just way forward, but I do see many on both sides of the issues pretending their path is the only right one, and their way is the only just one. I say all of this recognizing my wish comes from my current position of lily white privilege.

What’s more, I see the insidious impact of racial perception when I come into my daughter’s room late at night because she is acting out and can not sleep. I asked her why, and she said she was upset because a classmate was making fun of her because she was adopted. “After all,” her classmate said, “just look at O (because he is not Black). He’s can not be your real brother.” I was appalled that a kid would try to put her down for being adopted.

Of course, there is irony in using O to show she must be adopted because he too is adopted. I told her the only thing I knew to say, “most parents do not choose their children. Mom and I choose you. Most parents have to take the child they have and love them, but we picked you to be our child. If anything, it should be a badge of honor to be adopted because it means you were chosen. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel bad about being chosen to join our family. I am thankful everyday that we chose you to join our family.” I still worry it may be hurtful to some children in the foster care system if she repeats that logic and a foster child feels rejected for not being chosen, but biological children aren’t for the most part, chosen either.

I just hated hearing a child use race to make a member of my family feel less attached to her family and by extension less valued by all. As a white adult growing up middle class, I am just not used to race being used as a means to divide or belittle a family.

Let that be your last battlefield from
Let that be your last battlefield from


A Dream 50 Years Later

This past week we had the 50th anniversary of one of the most famous speeches in American history. It wasn’t covered live on TV as it was given, but over time, it has grown to an epic statement of where we wish our country to be in terms of race relations.  It’s grown so much racial import in many peoples’ eyes, they forget he spoke of income and jobs topics about which we have yet to reach consensus.  When I think of King’s Dream speech, I am reminded of the Gallup poll at the time saying only a third of American’s supported him and his ideas.  Then I think of a quote from Andrew Bridge in Hope’s Boy,
“Some people are born for battles.  Their bravery endures, regardless of frailty or strength.  They are the ones we look to and our admiring hearts tell us, “They’ll know what to do.”  They are the great winners and losers of history.  We remember them less for their outcomes than for their glorious acts.  And, with the gentle wash of time, they become our heroes.”

Who denies MLK hero status today?

As we hit the 50 years mark since the speech, I remember this time while longer than my life, is but a blip in humanity’s quest for fairness.  Then I realize if we arrived, we would no longer care, for we would take it for granted.  It is a little ironic that if we reach the goal, we will no longer attempt to recognize and make up for past misdeeds. Doing so puts us back on uneven ground as we try to make amends.  Think of all the white men who think minority poor are better off than the white poor.  To arrive at the goal of fair equality could only happen by starting over. 

If we ever find ourselves (back) in a spot where there is no improvement to be made, I submit maintaining the status quo will require us to lose what it is to be human, to strive to make better the realities in which we live.  At least these thoughts seem to be the epitome of what it is to be American.  I suspect if we ever go back, somebody will still bite the apple in an effort to find a “better.” 
After all, what’s more American than apple pie?
(continue to next page for two random thoughts)

 I saw a post from Montel Williams this week asking what “Living well” means.  Since I spend a lot of my life looking for the answer, I gave the closest answer I’ve come up with thus far.

Living well is learning to recognize the gifts we receive and give, followed by thinking how to best enjoy them.  

Living well is learning to love learning and then figuring out a way to pass along both the love and the knowledge.

Living well is recognizing the love we give and receive. 

Living well is valuing both. 

A very cool thing happened recently.  I was asked by Patientslikeme. com to go downtown so I can represent the patients’ perspective on a panel at the Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education.  The conference is being put together by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.

I’m excited.  Looking at some of the people and their positions, I want to go just to hear what they say.  I’m fascinated.
