This week, J and I will hit a milestone, our tenth anniversary. After 3,652 days of marriage, I can still claim to be the lucky one. I married an awesome woman, a great mom, a good cook, a caring nurse and my friend. I managed all of this without running afoul of polygamy laws too. I think about all of this in light of research showing MS patients are 40% more likely to divorce than the general public (already grim odds), and like in so many other topics, I am happy our family embodies the role of the exception.
Every year, I include on an anniversary card my favorite saying, though I know not where it originates,
“Come walk with me.
Stay and grow old with me.
The Best is yet to be.
This I believe.”
I think the reason I have always liked the saying is the way it makes sense in so many orders. In my head, the order is frequently swapped to the point where I don’t even know the “correct” order any more. The only current tense relates to a belief in the bright future. The future in any order speaks to a vision of a wonderful shared journey. What more could I ever want than someone with whom to share the good life?
Because it’s our ten year anniversary, I’m happy to be able to bring out my other favorite verse to describe the way I would wish to think about our last 3,652 days and my hopes for tomorrow and all of tomorrows’ tomorrow: .
Camerado, I give you my hand!
I give you my love more precious than money,
I give you myself before preaching or law;
Will you give me yourself. will you come travel with me?
Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?
– Walt Whitman (end of Song of the Open Road)