After the shingles, I was told to delay my Tysabri infusion for 2 weeks due to an increased risk of infection. Because of scheduling difficulty, it will be 47 days between infusions before I get my next infusion. As I sit here at day 43 with heat and humidity rather extreme, I am reminded of the professor making his point about how even little annoyances can become big issues:
As he approaches
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43 Days into a 28 Day Cycle
I think about this story as the list of minor symptoms including pains seem to add faster while I am off Tysabri. Seeing how quickly my energy with other people runs low, makes me for the first time question whether I really will make it another 25 years working. Facing that sucks every bit as much as the accumulation of frustrations which come with dealing with more symptoms. I wake just about every day saying “Yup, I’m still tougher than life for one more day.” I never want to say the pain in my arms or head or… is too much. I never want to say something as small and mundane as standing for an hour or worse talking with a rapid speech kid is too much for my brain, but on day 43, I begin to feel like I’m holding that cup without the ability to switch hands or ask somebody else to hold it. The juice seems ever heavier… and heck if it doesn’t feel like it’s getting hotter to boot. If it boils, can I put it down? I try not to let myself think along these lines, but some days are just harder than others. Welcome to my MS.