My two little ones are 5 and 6. As they both had birthdays this week, I need to thank both of them. My life is so much richer for the time and effort spent with them. From little crying pooping blobs to running screaming children, my two have come so far and given me hope during times I just wanted to fade into the background.
Confession Time: As I think back, I find myself laughing at some of
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Innocent Times & Acceptance Found
My two little ones are 5 and 6. As they both had birthdays this week, I need to thank both of them. My life is so much richer for the time and effort spent with them. From little crying pooping blobs to running screaming children, my two have come so far and given me hope during times I just wanted to fade into the background.
Whopper number 2: At one point, my daughter wanted to ride her bike around the block, but my son refused to ride because he just wanted to run. I thought running was a fair enough compromise. So off we ran chasing my daughter when BAM, my son took a face dive on the side walk. He paused to assess the damage, letting me know he was OK, and then he started crying. As I looked him over, I saw no blood, but I noticed where he fell there was a crack in the sidewalk. As he started to get really worked up, I said, “O. Wow look at this. That poor side walk got cracked. That must have hurt. Here you are without a scratch and that poor side walk who was minding his business got a thumping. You better apologize.” He did with a trembling lip give a heart felt apology. I really hope 10 years from now he isn’t thinking his head is tougher than concrete.