Am I tough enough?For the pains in the arms and lasers through my eyes?For only 5 hours sleep?For getting up in the middle?
Am I tough enough today to work for tomorrow?To think logically despite life’s distractions?Am I tough enough to love?To allow myself to be loved?
Am I tough enough ?To listen to honest appraisals of my work?From all who offer?From people’s whose opinion I value?
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My Morning Questions
Am I tough enough?
For the pains in the arms and lasers through my eyes?
For only 5 hours sleep?
For getting up in the middle?
Am I tough enough today
to work for tomorrow?
To think logically despite life’s distractions?
Am I tough enough to love?
To allow myself to be loved?
Am I tough enough ?
To listen to honest appraisals of my work?
From all who offer?
From people’s whose opinion I value?
From a child?
What if I’m not?
Does the answer change if I am?
What if today is the day I find out?
Doesn’t everyone ask?
My Morning Questions