The more I hear about the Pen State Football program and what various people had to have known or seen, the more I think of a quote often attributed to Edmund Burke, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” I don’t know the exact origin of the quote, but it seems to fit this situation too much for my liking whether describing Paterno, the coach who saw one
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All That Is Necessary For The Triumph of Evil Is That Good Men Do Nothing
If you do nothing, of what use to society as a whole is being “good?” All I can say is “Please. At least try. If you fail, if you are wrong, even if you look the fool, at least try. Tell me it’s not easier to sleep at night knowing you did all you could, that you didn’t succeed, but knowing maybe a 100 more may see or hear that you tried and find the strength of character to follow your lead.” The shame is how common it is, the turning our head and continuing to walk on by even the gravest of injustices out of fear that we will be out of place or mistaken in commenting or following up. We all want to pass the buck on responsibility under the guise of once passed we have done our duty. I think most of the time when we refuse to act on what we see telling ourselves not to make things worse, we have. We like to pretend if it is a big deal, the next person will act. I hope my kids learn that we are the next person. It’s a leap in character I recognize as beyond my kids ability to fathom now but I don’t want to sell them short either. We are still working on the “Don’t do that!” level more than 90% of the time, but I still love watching them when they act on the other 10%.
On a side note, I signed up for a 15k run on December 4th. For a few years now, I’ve set a half marathon as my target distance. It’s a completely arbitrary distance in an attempt to show myself MS doesn’t have to make me untrainable. Being fit isn’t impossible. I frequently look at the my belly which will never leave and resign myself to make it the best traveled belly out there. The 15k run is getting ever closer to my target, and I figure it will probably never get easier. Having run a few 10k over the past 2 years, I think now is as good a time as any to attempt the next rung. I find it funny that earlier in the year, I ran a 5k in Guam whose motto was “Kick the Fat.” The irony was they served Spam fried rice at the end of the race. So now at the end of the year, I am upping the ante going for 15k… and the reward when we cross the finish line is a chocolate fondu. At least if I have to give up the idea of running these races to lose weight, I will be doing so for a bribe I enjoy more than Spam.