Stress and Moving

Here is a picture capturing some of the best and worst parts of moving.
Here is a picture capturing some of the best and worst parts of moving.

Is there anyone who enjoys moving?  I am glad my kids look at boxes and think, “this will be fun.”  I am at the point of looking at them and trying not to curse.  Before moving to our now old house, I had not lived anywhere for two years since high school.  Now having lived in the same house for 10 years and having my family expand to 5 people and three dogs, I find myself amazed at just how much stuff we have accumulated.

Of course, I can not even claim to be doing the majority of work for the move.  Somehow, J has managed to pack 90 percent of the house while dealing with the day to day tasks inherent in raising our kids.   She is going crazy, but in our family that just means she is regressing to the median level of nuts.

As for me, when I’m not stressing out about the buying of a new house or organizing the movers (that J found), I am going bonkers at work.  As we enter our busiest phase of the five year cycle, my boss was reassigned over a personality conflict with his new boss (a position he and many others think he should have gotten).  The aftershocks continue, and my staff is leaving over the uncertainty and new (mico)management policies.  Thus far my project has lost 3 of 7 analysts.  That’s Okay though because we still have the same amount of time to develop the end product .  The end result is I come home more stressed than I should to realize the unfair life truism, “The more stressed I am, the more sleep I need.  However, the very things which are stressing me out require more time which means less rest not more.”  It is not a great cycle, and it is not tenable long term.

Yet the goal approaches.  The new house is nice and in the school district J and I want for our kids.  The dream is not a nightmare, just a tangled sweaty dream of labor to interrupt regular life’s struggles.

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