Grand Canyon

Sadly, I know not words to do justice to the trip down the Grand Canyon. Top thoughts from my trip down the Grand Canyon:

The rocks and cliffs are amazing. There is nothing like looking up at 2,000-3,000 feet of rock and thinking about just how old the rocks are. I kept looking at them wondering how many inches represent the rocks that are only as old as recorded history. There is something awe inspiring in looking up at thousands of feet of rock cliff and wondering whether the part that represents recorded history would be as thick as a ream of computer paper.

My favorite hike was about 500 feet up a cliff to a granary. We’re not talking about up a gentle slope. The hike was climbing often on all 4s. The views from this hike were spectacular, and all I kept thinking was “American Indians used to haul grain all the way up here?” Coming back all I could think about was making that hike hungry because I wanted the grain from the granary…nobody ever said the people living in the Grand Canyon were soft. Wow. I was hurting just hiking up there carrying a just a water bottle and a disposable camera.

It’s amazing how camping with the same group of 30 people for a week will lower one’s inhibitions. On the first night, we’re all making the slog of a trek the maximum distance from anyone else to go take a piss in the river. By the last night, we’re all going within 30 feet of the boat and just thinking to our selves that it doesn’t matter because it’s dark anyway. The other amazing thing is how luxurious it feels to be back to good plumbing. No more number 1 and 2 in different places. No more falling in the river at 2am when nature makes an inconvenient call. Sometimes it just takes a basic experience to realize how spoiled I am.

I loved Bryce Canyon in Utah where a few of us went after the trip for some day hikes. The pillars against the countryside are beautiful. I think my second favorite hike from the whole trip was there as we hiked down to the bottom there and back up (change in elevation about 500 ft). This hike was great, and it felt like a complete luxury to have a nice, fairly smooth path.

Finally, I missed my wife and kid pretty much every night. One would think it would be the laying on the ground or anyone of the other inconveniences of camping with a group of 30 that would make one miss sleep. Honestly, it was the lack of a kiss goodnight, lack of a baby’s giggle, and the wondering what I was missing at home that kept me up at night. I know it’s sappy, but I really like my home life.

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